Looking to…

(see here)

Delight people; support and enhance resilient community; defy cruel power.

Leave people feeling more, open and generous, believing in their capacity for the deep needs of life.

The show should run about 75 minutes (2 x 30 min halves and an interval) starting in a studio theatre setting (Pegasus, OFS, North Wall…) or upstairs of a pub (Whitehouse, Jericho Tavern…), moving into wilder settings. We tested a 25 minute concept with 4 pieces, which we performed at Wood Festival (18 May 2024). Sam and I revised two of the pieces at “Mrs Henderson’s” (29 May 2024).

The EP is conceived as a “fair copy” of the performance at Wood.



We have four pieces worked up, which we performed at Wood Festival. I think the reception was pretty good.

We aim to record these in a studio for release as an “EP” asap. Diaries out.

George and Sam did two pieces on 29 May 2024 at “Mrs Henderson’s“.

Here are Sam and George in their first rehearsal.

Tobias and George are exploring other instruments, for their own sake and for when a drum kit is not available or appropriate.

Here are Tobias and George Rehearsing Another Story.

We are looking to participate in cabaret folk/poetry events while we work up a few more pieces and adapt the presentation for different venues and audiences.

Enjoy. Peace. Out.

Truth, reason, vision, action

Truth, reason, vision, action: are the elements of story in its purest and most purposeful.

Caroline Lucas said recently that you can’t win hearts (or votes) with a technocratic appeal. Our poly-crises today have gone beyond old theory and practice. Richard Murphy, who co-wrote the Green New Deal, says: “… existing political narratives… have to change.” (here) We need new stories to:

  • Tell the truth about where we are, and …
  • The reason we got here,
  • Share a vision of where we want to be, and…
  • The action needed to get there. 

Truth, reason, vision, action: are the elements of story in its purest and most purposeful. Art depends on these principles. Sure there are more. But, I am a bear of very little brain.

For more background go here: it’s our world, too.

more soon…..